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Curriculum vitate


University of Minnesota                                                                                                                                                              Minneapolis, Minnesota                                      

Doctor of Philosophy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sep 2017-Aug 2022                                                                                                                                                                                              

Master of Public Health                                                                                                                                                                                        May 2017

University of Wisconsin-Madison                                                                                                                                                     Madison, Wisconsin                                                      

Bachelor of Science: Biology/History of Science, Medicine and Technology                                                                                       December 2013

Certificate: Global Health         



Present      NIH/NICHD T32 Training Grant, Minnesota Population Center 

2020           Minnesota Population Center Summer Diversity Fellowship

2019-20      Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship 

2017-19      AHRQ/NRSA T-32 Training Grant, University of Minnesota 


2016           Lester Breslow, University of Minnesota

2020           Diversity Scholars Program, AcademyHealth 

Research Experience

University of Minnesota School of Public Health Minneapolis, Minnesota 

Research Assistant                         June 2019 – Present 

University of Minnesota School of Public Health Minneapolis, Minnesota 

Research Assistant                         October 2017 – Present 

  • Facilitated focus groups with mothers at a community-based, culturally centered birth center to how different models of care impact birth outcomes for African-American women

  • Conducted literature review and contributed to manuscripts focused on the impact of structural racism on maternal and infant health outcomes 

  • Coordinated, developed and facilitated multi-site qualitative study investigating reproductive health impacts of police brutality 

University of Minnesota Medical School Minneapolis, Minnesota 

Research Assistant                         August 2016 – May 2017

  • Conducted literature searches for Come Step In IT project which focuses on developing a curriculum for first year medical students that encourages productive dialogue about race and racism

  • Assisted in the development of performance measures that captured participants’ willingness to engage in dialogue about race/racism 

Covance Laboratories                                                                                                                                                           Madison, Wisconsin 

Study Technician                                                                              February 2014 – June 2015

  • Tested the safety and toxicity of developmental pharmacological compounds

  • Gathered quantitative and qualitative data on study animals 

  • Utilized advanced dosing and sampling methods

UW-Madison Department of Psychology                                                                                                                  Madison, Wisconsin

Research Assistant                                                               September 2011 – December 2012

  • Coordinated multiple aggression testing sessions and collected samples for ICC testing on p.californicus mice

  • Analyzed behavioral data from 30+ behavioral testing sessions 

  • Inspected mouse colony and ensured that University and IACUC animal welfare requirements were met

Peer-reviewed publications


  • Hardeman, R., Karbeah,J. (2020)  Examining racism in health services research: A disciplinary self-critique. Health Services Research, 55 (S2), 777-780. 

  • Hardeman, R., Karbeah, J., Kozhimannil, K. (2020) Applying a critical race lens to relationship-centered care in pregnancy and childbirth: An antidote to structural racism. Birth, 47(1), 3-7. 

  • Hardeman R, Karbeah J, Almanza J, Kozhimannil K., Polston R. 2020. We are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting for:

Birth equity research for and by a Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPoc) Research Team. Forthcoming/InPress: Midwifery Matters

  • Karbeah J, Hardeman R, Almanza J, Kozhimannil K. 2019.Identifying the Key Elements of Racially Concordant

Care in a Free-standing Birth Center. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health.

  • Almanza J., Karbeah J., Hardeman, R., Kozhimannil K. 2019. The Experience and Motivations of Midwives of Color

in Minnesota: Nothing for Us Without Us. Accepted for Publication. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health.

  • Hardeman, R., Murphy K.,, Karbeah J., Kozhimannil KB.2018. “Naming Institutionalized Racism in the Public Health Literature: A Systematic Literature Review.” Public Health Reports:0033354918760574.

  • Hardeman, Rachel R., Diana Burgess, Katy Murphy, David J. Satin, Julie Nielsen, Teddie M. Potter, Karbeah, J.,Makeda Zulu-Gillespie, Antonia Apolinario-Wilcoxon, Christopher Reif, and Brooke A. Cunningham. (2018) Developing a medical school curriculum on racism: Multidisciplinary, multiracial conversations informed by Public Health Critical Race Praxis (PHCRP). Ethnicity & disease 28, no. Supp 1, 271-278.

Other Publications

Dill J, Akosionu O, Karbeah, J, Henning-Smith C. Addressing Systemic Racial Inequity In the HealthCare Workforce. Health Affairs Blog, September 10,2020. doi:10.1377/hblog20200908.133196

Pending Publications

  • Hardeman RR, Chantarat T, Karbeah J., Smith L, Van Riper D, Mendez D.Association between Police Contact and Preterm Birth Inequity in Minnesota. InProgress: Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

  • Hardeman R, Karbeah J, Chantarat T, Attanasio L. Who Switches Provider during Prenatal Care? In progress: Medical Care

  • Hardeman R, Almanza J, Karbeah J, Kozhimannil K. The Impact of Culturally Centered Care on Birthing Persons Experiences of Autonomy and Respect. Submission expected to: Women’s Health Issues

Podium Presentations

  • Hardeman,R., Tongtan Chantarat, T., Smith,ML., Karbeah, J., Van Riper,D., Mendez, D. Police exposure as a determinant of structural racism: An exploration of the association between preterm birth in neighborhoods with high police exposure. Society for Epidemiologic Research Meeting. December 15, 2020.

  • Karbeah,J. Wage discrimination within health professions: an intersectional analysis. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. July 29, 2020. 

  • Hardeman,R., Tongtan Chantarat, T., Smith,ML., Karbeah, J., Van Riper,D., Mendez, D. Police exposure as a determinant of structural racism: An exploration of the association between preterm birth in neighborhoods with high police exposure. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting.. December 15, 2020.

  • Karbeah J., Hacker D, Child Mortality and Residential Segregation: Indications for Contemporary Trends, Population Association of America, April 2020, Washington,DC.Cancelled due to COVID-19

  • Hardeman R. Karbeah J. Community-Engaged Research , Interdisciplinary Association of Population Health Scientists Annual Meeting, October 4, 2019,Seattle, WA

Hardeman R. Karbeah J. From A Place of Love, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 6, 2019, Philadelphia, PA

Poster Presentations

  • Karbeah, J. Police Contact and sleep quality among urban adolescents. Society for Epidemiologic Research Meeting. December 15-18,2019,Virtual

  • Karbeah, J. Communities and Police Violence: Presence of School-Based Police Officers and Impact on Adolescent Mental Health. Poster. Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Sciences Annual Conference, October 2019,Seattle,Washington.

  • Hardeman, R., Karbeah,J.Motivations for Providing Culturally Centered Care: Perspectives from Birth Workers of Color. Poster Session: Student Posters. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 2019, Washington, DC.

  • Identifying Key Elements of Culturally-Centered Care at a Free-standing Birth Center. Annual Power of Partnerships Meeting, Program in Health Disparities Research, University of Minnesota School of Medicine,                       November 2018,Minneapolis, MN.

Invited presentations

  • Westby A. Karbeah J. Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians. March 2019.,Minneapolis, MN

  • Karbeah J. Minnesota Visiting Nurses Association, July 2018, Minneapolis, MN

  • Karbeah J. The Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students Presents: Health Disparities Dinner: Reproductive Impacts of Structural Racism, April 2018,Minneapolis, MN

  • Karbeah J. Undergraduate Public Health Student Association. September 2017.Minneapolis, MN

Guest Lectures

Fall 2019&20       Psyc272: Health Psychology. Macalester College, St. Paul, MN

                            Course level: undergraduate

                            Instructor: Jaine Strauss

Spring 2019          PubH 6780: Structural Racism and Health Inequities. University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN

                             Course level: graduate 

                            Instructor: Dr. Rachel Hardeman 

Fall 2018/19/20  PubH 6735: Principles of Health Policy, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN

                           Course level: graduate 

                             Instructor: Dr. Katy Kozhimannil 

Spring 2019         SA 395: Ethnography of Reproduction, Carleton College. Northfield,MN

                                Course level: undergraduate

                                 Instructor: Dr. Pamela Salvsberg

                                 Instructor: Dr. Pamela Feldman-Salvsberg

Teaching experience

   Spring 2020          Teaching Assistant, Department of Health Policy Management,

                                  University of Minnesota School of Public  Health, Minneapolis, MN

●   Course: PubH 6780: Structural Racism and Health Inequities

●   Number of students: 33

●   Teaching hours: 2hr/week

●   Topics: health inequities; structural racism


Summer 2016/17   Teaching Assistant, Department of Health Policy Management,

                                   University of Minnesota School of Public  Health, Minneapolis, MN

●   Course: PubH7200: Axes of Inequities 

●   Number of students: 20

●   Teaching hours:16hr/week

●   Topics: health inequities; structural racism

Mentoring Experience

Summer 2020        Rodrigo Tojo Garcia, Research Assistant, Probation and Health, Minnesota Population Center

                                University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN


Fall 2019-Present   Reme Abulu, Research Assistant, Police Violence, Race, and Reproductive Health

                                     University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN


Fall 2019-Present   Jessie Knazze, Research Assistant, Police Violence, Race, and Reproductive Health,

                                    University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN

Summer 2019-Pre Deborah Nyakaru, Research Assistant, Police Violence, Race, and Reproductive Health,

                                     University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN

Fall 2017-Present   Numi Katz, Research Assistant, Brith Equity Study

                                     University of Minnesota School of Public Health,

Professional Service

Manuscript Peer-Review  

Birth, Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities,International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being

Institutional Service 

2019-21      Advisory Board Student Member:Minnesota Population Center,  Minneapolis, MN 

2018-19     Health Equity Job Search, Student Member:University of Minnesota School of Public Health ,  Minneapolis, MN 

2017          Curriculum Redesign Committee ,Student Member::University of Minnesota School of Public Health ,  Minneapolis, M

Work Experience

Community Restoring Urban Youth Sexual Health (CRUSH)   Minneapolis , Minnesota

Statewide STI Testing Day Coordinator                                                                                                         May 2016 – October 2017

  • Worked with CRUSH leadership and youth council to identify and implement a statewide social media campaign to promote STI Testing Day 

  • Contacted over 60 clinics through Minnesota and convinced them to participate in statewide STI testing day by providing free or low-cost sexual health services to youth 15-26 

  • Created a proclamation and fact sheet to raise awareness of the statewide event. Proclamation was signed and promoted by the Governor’s office and our fact sheet was widely shared by state and local agencies. 

  • Developed and evaluation survey for participating clinics to determine service utilization on STI Testing Day 

Minnesota Department of Health Saint Paul , Minnesota

Student Worker                     January 2016 – October 2017

  • Assisted with preparation of the Abstinence Education Grant Program (AEGP) federal reports, AEGP and Healthy Youth Development funding announcement opportunities 

  • Assisted with preparation of the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) federal grant application 

  • Prepared and submitted performance measures to the Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) from nine different sexual health curricula implemented at seven grantee sites 

  • Developed and submitted Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month (TPPM) proclamation to the Governor’s office as well as the department’s press release and social media material for TPPM 

  • Twitter

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